Education System

10 Innovative Schools in India and What They Do Differently

School Exhibition

How schools across India are innovating education

Innovation need not happen only in a factory.

Everyone can innovate in their area of expertise and capacities. Today, we are going to learn about how 10 schools around India are innovating and bringing unique ways in education and changing the status quo of existing teaching methods.

1.     The Levelfield School, West Bengal

The Levelfield School, situated in West Bengal, is a distinguished institution committed to holistic education. Established with the vision of nurturing well-rounded individuals, the school offers a blend of academic excellence and character development. Their curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking and creativity, encouraging students to become active learners.


Key Highlights:

  • Integrated Learning Approach: The Levelfield School employs an integrated learning approach that combines traditional teaching methods with modern educational techniques.
  • Emphasis on Values: The school places a strong emphasis on ethical values, aiming to develop responsible citizens with a sense of empathy and integrity.
  • Community Engagement: The school actively engages with the local community through various outreach programs, fostering a sense of social responsibility among students.
  • Movies in the Classroom: The school curriculum include movies to teach subjects like history. Students need to review/analyze movie through writing for better understanding.


The Levelfield School

Courtesy – The Levelfield School


2.     Vega Schools

Vega Schools is a progressive educational institution dedicated to fostering innovation, curiosity, and global-mindedness among students. Situated at the forefront of educational advancements, the school offers a forward-looking curriculum that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century.


Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Curriculum: Vega Schools prides itself on its innovative curriculum, which integrates technology, experiential learning, and interdisciplinary studies.
  • Future-Ready Skills: The school places a strong emphasis on equipping students with essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability.
  • Global Perspective: The schools promotes a global perspective by incorporating international perspectives into its teaching methods, ensuring students are well-prepared for a diverse world.
  • Entrepreneurship Focus: Students are given opportunities to explore creative solutions and develop their own projects.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: The school collaborates with industry experts, fostering connections that expose students to real-world insights and experiences.



  1. Aurinko Academy, Bengaluru

Nestled in the vibrant city of Bengaluru, Aurinko Academy offers a nurturing environment that celebrates individuality and holistic growth. The school is dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that emphasizes academic achievement, character development, and personal well-being.


Key Highlights:

  • Holistic Education: Aurinko Academy believes in the holistic development of students, focusing on intellectual, emotional, and physical growth.
  • Experiential Learning: The school adopts experiential learning methods, allowing students to apply their knowledge in practical, real-world contexts.
  • Cultural Diversity: With students from diverse backgrounds, the school fosters an inclusive environment that encourages cross-cultural interactions and understanding.
  • Creative Expression: Aurinko Academy values artistic and creative expression, offering a range of artistic and performing arts opportunities for students.
  • Ethical Values: The school instills strong ethical values in students, nurturing them to become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.
Unique Schools of India - Aurinko Academy, Karnataka

Image Courtesy – Aurinko Academy


  1. The International School Bangalore (TISB):

The International School Bangalore (TISB) is a private, international school located in Whitefield, Bangalore, India. It was founded in 2000 and is affiliated with the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).

TISB is known for its innovative programs and initiatives. Some of the school’s most innovative programs include:

  • A blended learning environment that combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning.
  • A strong focus on STEM education, with courses in computer science, robotics, and engineering.
  • A commitment to sustainability, with a number of initiatives in place to reduce the school’s environmental impact.
  • A variety of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and music.
  • A strong alumni network that provides support to students after they graduate.



  1. Ecole Mondiale World School (EMWS):

Ecole Mondiale World School (EMWS) is a private, international school located in Juhu, Mumbai, India. It was founded in 2004 and is affiliated with the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). EMWS is a co-educational school that offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.

EMWS is known for its innovative programs and initiatives. Some of the school’s most innovative programs include:

  • A focus on experiential learning, which means that students learn by doing.
  • A commitment to sustainability, with a number of initiatives in place to reduce the school’s environmental impact.
  • A focus on global citizenship, which means that students learn about different cultures and perspectives.
  • A strong alumni network that provides support to students after they graduate.


  1. Shikshantar School:

Shikshantar School is a private, non-profit school located in Gurgaon, India. It was founded in 1997 and is affiliated with the National Progressive Schools Conference (NPSC). Shikshantar School is a co-educational school that offers a unique curriculum that focuses on critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.


The school’s innovative program include:

  • A focus on project-based learning, which means that students learn by working on real-world projects.
  • A commitment to experiential learning, which means that students learn by doing.
  • A focus on outdoor education, which means that students learn about the natural world through hands-on experiences.
  • A focus on social justice, which means that students learn about social issues and how to make a difference in the world.
Shikshantar School  - Students sitting outdoor

Courtesy – Shikshantar School Website


  1. The Doon School:

In the realm of innovative schools in India, The Doon School stands as a beacon of educational excellence. Established in 1935, The Doon School has consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional education, embracing unique methodologies and practices that set it apart as a pioneer in the field.

The Doon School’s Unique Approach:


  • Holistic Learning: At The Doon School, education goes beyond textbooks and exams. The institution places a strong emphasis on holistic learning, recognizing that intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development are equally vital. Students are encouraged to engage in a wide spectrum of activities, from academics to sports, arts, and community service.
  • Residential Campus: A distinctive feature of The Doon School is its residential campus. Students from various backgrounds and cultures live together, fostering a sense of community, mutual respect, and cross-cultural understanding.
  • Project-Based Learning (PBL): Students are tasked with real-world projects that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.
  • Leadership Development: The School integrates leadership development into its curriculum. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the school, whether in academics, sports, clubs, or community initiatives.
  • Global Exposure: The Doon School’s commitment to global education is evident through its partnerships with schools worldwide. Students have the opportunity to engage in international exchange programs, joint projects, and cultural interactions.
  • Alumni Impact: The Doon School’s legacy is best reflected in its accomplished alumni network. Graduates of The Doon School have gone on to excel in diverse fields, including politics, business, arts, sciences, and more.
  • Inclusive Community: The school’s ethos promotes an environment of equality, where every student’s voice is heard, and individual differences are valued.



  1. Pathways World School:

In the landscape of Indian education, innovation is key to preparing students for the challenges of the future. Pathways World School, established with a vision to redefine education, has emerged as a trailblazer in innovative learning. Through its unique approach and commitment to holistic development, the school has garnered recognition as a beacon of innovation in education.

A Glimpse into Pathways World School:

  • International Curriculum Integration: By offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge programs, the school provides students with a global perspective and a comprehensive skill set.
  • Experiential Learning:  Through hands-on activities, field trips, and projects, students engage with real-world scenarios, enhancing their understanding and practical application of concepts.
  • Innovation Hubs: Pathways World School has established innovation hubs that serve as centers for creativity and exploration. These hubs provide students with resources to engage in research, experimentation, and collaborative projects. From robotics to sustainable solutions, these hubs cultivate a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Multicultural Environment: The school’s diverse student body and faculty create a multicultural environment that encourages cross-cultural interactions and global awareness.
  • Future-Focused Skill Development: Pathways World School is dedicated to equipping students with skills that are relevant to the future job market. The school offers specialized courses in areas such as artificial intelligence, coding, and design thinking, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the demands of the digital age.


  1. The Sanskriti School:

In the realm of innovative schools in India, Sanskriti School has carved a distinct niche for itself. With a focus on fostering holistic development, critical thinking, and creativity, the school stands as a testament to how innovative education can shape the future of students.

Exploring Sanskriti School’s Innovation:

  • Holistic Learning Framework: The school emphasizes the development of emotional intelligence, social skills, and ethical values, ensuring that students are well-rounded individuals prepared for life’s challenges.
  • Project-Based Learning: Students engage in hands-on projects that require research, collaboration, and problem-solving. This approach not only deepens understanding but also nurtures creativity and the ability to apply knowledge to real-world situations.
  • STEAM Education: The school is committed to providing students with a robust foundation in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). By integrating these disciplines, the school fosters innovation, critical thinking, and multidisciplinary approaches to problem-solving.
  • Cultural Exchange Programs: The school’s cultural exchange programs offer students the opportunity to interact with peers from different countries and backgrounds.
  • Student-Centric Approach:  The curriculum is tailored to individual learning styles and interests, allowing students to pursue their passions while developing essential skills.
  • Technology Integration: Recognizing the role of technology in the modern world, Sanskriti School seamlessly integrates technology into its educational approach. From interactive learning tools to digital resources, technology enhances the learning experience and prepares students for the digital age.



  1. Yellow Train School:

Yellow Train School stands as a beacon of innovation in early childhood education, where play-based learning, personalized approaches, and a nurturing environment converge to nurture the holistic development of young learners.

The Innovative Elements of Yellow Train School:

  • Play-Based Learning: At the core of Yellow Train School’s approach is the recognition that play is a powerful vehicle for learning. The school’s curriculum is thoughtfully designed to integrate play as a central component. By engaging in activities that encourage exploration and discovery, children are not just learning; they’re having fun while doing so. Play-based learning enhances cognitive development, critical thinking, and creativity.
  • Child-Centric Philosophy: . Acknowledging that every child is a unique individual, the school tailors its curriculum to suit different learning styles and preferences. This personalized approach fosters a sense of ownership over the learning process, encouraging children to become active participants in their educational journey.
  • Experiential Exploration: Learning at Yellow Train School is a hands-on adventure. Through interactive and experiential activities, children actively engage with concepts and ideas. Whether it’s through experiments, art projects, or collaborative tasks, these experiences not only deepen understanding but also cultivate a spirit of curiosity and a genuine love for learning.
  • Holistic Skill Cultivation: The curriculum is designed to nurture not only cognitive skills but also social, emotional, and motor skills. This well-rounded approach equips children with the tools they need to excel in various dimensions of life.
  • Nurturing Environment:  By fostering emotional well-being and providing a safe space for expression, the school nurtures a sense of belonging and self-assuredness. Such an environment facilitates positive social interactions and self-discovery.

Courtesy – The Yellowstone School


By innovating approaches to teaching, modern schools are challenging the status quo. How is school transforming your child’s learning journey? What approach they are taking to make learning an adventure that bloom your child’s creativity, inventiveness, and intelligence?

P.S: Most schools still function with the traditional approach. Although vital, schools need to adapt with the changing needs. However not every school has the motivation to evolve fast. To complement such schools, we at 10xTechClub has come up an after-school program.

At 10xTechClub, we have introduced a novel approach to learning. In our after-school program, students experience exponential growth in technical, personal, social, and academic aspects. Our unique project-based learning approach exposes them to emerging technologies, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and growth mindsets, enabling the discovery of their interests. They learn effective problem-solving by working on curated real-world projects, receiving continuous mentorship and coaching to enhance inventiveness.



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